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Friday, September 12, 2014

A cup of Coffee and a cigarette enjoyed by two Martians - a return to TV Happy days in the 1960's

I was never, even to this day, a fan of science fiction in either TV, movies nor books, but on the 13th of January, 1964, My friend Frank, wanted to watch the science fiction TV program, the Outer Limits and so, I said yes and that night, I watch it and on that program, was a story ( the only comedy, I understand, in the entire series) called Controlled Experiment, starring the late Carroll O Conner and Barry Morse, it was about two Martians ( coming to earth), equipped with a device for controlling time, try to understand the human phenomena of murder. They choose a crime of passion in the lobby of a shabby hotel. But what seems like a simple assignment rapidly runs out of control.  Well I was captivated, I must say. 
My favorite scene takes place when O'Connor introduces Morse to the Earth habits of coffee and cigarettes. Morse's delighted response is like a small child sampling cake and ice cream for the first time. I still laugh about it to this day, some 50 years later. 

Closing narration( I love it!) “ Who knows? Perhaps the alteration of one small event may someday bring about the end of the world. But that someday is a long way off, and until then there is a good life to be lived in the here and now.

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