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Thursday, August 28, 2014

America – The noisiest place that ever existed

Please, be quiet! I say this to myself all the time, for if I were to say it out loud, I would get looks that would kill or worst yet, the noise would continue louder and unabated. Noise can be defined as any sound you don’t want to hear and there is a plethora of that in the USA today. What the ‘heck’ is going on, I say to myself?  its my take only of course, that American’s dread silence and must fill that gap with the din of cellular phones, computer games, music so loud it shocks the body, whatever. It seems to me that the mind’s appetite for stimulation is like  the body’s need for food. Americans; their mind, their brains has gotten so used to audio stimulation, it craves noise – making it a substance that American’s abuse like other stimulates, such as coffee, sugar, alcohol and even rock n roll and hip hop ( the worse of all stimulants) 
 A French author once remarked that “All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone. So I say to my fellow Americans, “Sit down and shut up!”

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